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Legion curling website portal
Feb. 18-26, 2023 Lakeshore Bonspiel

Our curling club gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Canadian Curling Association through its Curling Assistance Program.

Important curling news and information
December 17, 2022
Here is the latest news that you should know:
- Ham-and-Turkey bonspiel: .the finals of this end-of-the-year bonspiel took place on Friday, Dec. 16. In the “A” final, team Poulter kept it close for the first 3 ends but Team Oland made some great shots after that to build up a large lead and the game ended after 6 ends. Congratulations to the skip Jay Oland and the rest of his rink, which included Lydia Santa Maria as lead, Linda Hougan as second (sparing for John Dalgarno) and Scott Lawrence at third.
In the “B” final Team Sewell jumped out to a 5-0 lead after 3 ends but Team Langdon made a big comeback and the game went down to the last rock in the 8-th end where Bill Langdon’s team was only able to steal one point and the game finished 8-7 for Team Sewell. Congratulations to Steve Sewell and the rest of his rink, which included Brenda Rolfe as lead, Mike Homsey as second and John Coutts as third. Photos of all the teams who played in the finals are posted on the Bonspiels page.
- Winnie’s Office Party: the 2022 edition of this long running tradition finished with the usual gift exchange. As always, one of the gifts was the ‘kooky hat’ and this year’s winner turned out to be Ed de la Durantaye, aka Curly Peppermint Buns, shown proudly displaying his new head gear in the photo below:

In other competitive events which took place there, the winner of the ugly Christmas sweater in the women’s division was Jennifer Patterson while the winner in the men’s division, solely because of the judging panel’s particular bias, was Nick Townsend. A consolation prize was awarded to Lynda Putnam.
- Social Curling Seguin Trophy: congratulations to Roger Lauzon and the rest of her rink, which included Andrew Dumas as second, Vicki Lalumière as lead and Eli Zubis-Tanona as third for winning the Seguin Trophy in the Social Curling League. In the championship game they defeated Team Townsend.
- House League President Trophy: congratulations to Lynda Putnam and the rest of her rink, which included Lance Hodgson as second, Gary White as lead and John Coutts as third for winning the President Trophy in the House League. In the decisive game they defeated Team Bill Langdon 13-4.
- Lakeshore Bonspiel 2020: this year’s competition finished on Sunday. Many thanks to all the volunteers who made it possible, from Sandy, Marge, Barbara and Susanne preparing the meals to Steve, Rod and Terry setting things up and taking care of the logistics.
Even though no team from our club made it to the final day of competition, we were still represented very well by our excellent junior curler Zach Amyotte who played third on the Cedric Maurice team which won the “A” division trophy. Here he is with his team mates and coach:

From left to right are:
5th player: Charles Patton (Laval-sur-le-Lac) Lead: Amber Gargul (Pointe-Claire) 2nd: Mathis Pedneault (Laval-sur-le-Lac) 3rd: Zach Amyotte (HUDSON LEGION) Skip: Cedric Maurice (Laval-sur-le-Lac)
and coach: Marc Pednault (Laval-sur-le-Lac)
- 2017 Quebec Senior Men’s Curling Championship banner: during the Open House event that took place on Oct. 5 (“Hey dummy, take a look at the calendar, it’s the end of November.” Yes, we know, thank you.) our very own Rob Maclean presented to our freshly minted new club president Jay de la Durantaye as well as his wise predecessor Glenn Ruiter the banner for the Quebec Senior Men’s Curling Championship that he and his rink won back in March of 2017. Here is a photo to prove it.
That banner is now proudly displayed in the curling shed among the other championship that Rob and other members of our club have collected over the years.
- Social media presence: the Hudson Legion Curling Club has finally arrived in the 21st century and we now have our very own page on Facebook as well as a Twitter account. If you have you own Facebook or Twitter account then you can either like us or follow us in order to receive updates. Our Facebook page is at www.facebook.com/HLCurling and our Twitter feed is on www.twitter.com/HLCurling
- Club brooms: we have purchased some new brooms to be used as communal property by anyone who does not have one, forgot one or is simply too damn cheap to buy their own. They will be available inside the shed and we are being assured by the person responsible for this purchase that you will not be able to miss them (but try anyway).
Curling jackets are available
starting on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010
$85, all taxes included

The jackets look as shown on this photo and they are available in small, medium large and extra large sizes. They will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Once the current stock is exhausted it will take 6-8 weeks for a new order to arrive. Please contact Bob Fournier to purchase a jacket.
Important curling events, competitions and bonspiels announcements