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Photo gallery and info about past events
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Here are the links to all the photos and videos of activities at our branch and curling club. Links to photos of curling activities in the junior program are available on the junior program page.


Links to photo albums

Important note: are you experiencing problems when you try to look at the photos contained in the albums for which the links are available below? To be more specific, if you are using the Mozilla Firefox web browser, does your computer screen look like this Example of photo viewing problem with Firefoxwhen you click on any of the album icons below? Or, if you are using the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, does your computer screen look like this Example of photo viewing problem with Internet Explorerwhen you select an album? If the answer is yes to either question then you don’t need to despair because professional help for problems like that is available. Information on how to resolve these types of problems is described in detail in this Link to document describing troubleshooting steps for photo viewing problems 125 page document written in the Esperanto language (which you can easily translate to almost any other language using the online Google translation service). The good thing about this document is that if it does not help you resolve your photo viewing problems then at least it might be useful as a sedative if you are suffering from (or perhaps fully enjoying) insomnia.

However, if you’re the impatient type and you don’t appreciate the beauty of Esperanto then you can go directly to the English version of the document, which you can find here.





Season: July 2022 - June 2023

link to photo album
February 24, 2023
Blaise Trophy final and 3rd place game

link to photo album
March 31, 2023
Gray Trophy final and 3rd place game

link to photo album
April 22, 2023
Closing Bonspiel “A” and “B” finals

link to photo album
April 22, 2023
Ladder and Hudson Trophy finals

link to photo album
April 22, 2023
Closing banquet




Season: July 2019 - June 2020

link to photo album
February 27, 2020
Pat Lid final game




Season: July 2018 - June 2019

link to photo album
December 7, 2018
Ham-and-Turkey finals.

link to photo album
December 7, 2018
“Winnie’s Office Party” photos

link to photo album
December 20, 2018
President Trophy final

link to photo album
December 21, 2018
Seguin Trophy final and 3rd place game

link to photo album
February 28, 2019
Pat Lid final game

link to photo album
March 16, 2019
Hudson St. Patrick’s Day parade

link to photo album
April 13, 2019
Club Championship finals

link to photo album
April 13 16, 2019
Awards banquet

Season: July 2017 - June 2018

link to photo album
November 24, 2017
Seguin Trophy final.

link to photo album
December 15, 2017
Ham-and-Turkey “A” and “B” finals

link to photo album
December 15, 2017
“Winnie’s Office Party” photos

link to photo album
April 14, 2018
V-P Trophy semi finals

link to photo album
April 21, 2018
Club Championship and Hudson Trophy finals

link to photo album
April 21, 2018
End-of-season banquet and awards ceremonies.



Season: July 2016 - June 2017

link to photo album
December 9, 2016
Ham-and-Turkey “A” and “B” final games

link to photo album
December 9, 2016
Winnie’s Office Party

link to photo album
January 14, 2017
President Trophy final game and luncheon.

link to photo album
January 20, 2017
Seguin Trophy playoffs.

link to photo album
March 19, 2017
Pat Lid championship game.

link to photo album
April 10, 2017
Vice-President Trophy semi final games.

link to photo album
April 13, 2017
Vice-President Trophy final game.

link to photo album
April 22, 2017
Club Championship and Hudson Trophy games.

link to photo album
April 22, 2017
End-of-season banquet and awards ceremonies.




  • Quebec Senior Curling Championship: Rob Maclean and Dan Belliveau, together with Éric Gravel and Tom Wharry, have won another Quebec Senior Curling Championship. They were 6-1 in the round robin games, then they beat Team Lavoie 10-2 in the semi final and they finished with a 7-2 win over Team Gagnon in the final. They will now play for the Canadian Senior Curling Championship March 18-25 in Fredericton, NB. Congratulations to Rob and Dan and their team mates. Here are some photos of the championship team taken by John Burgess.

    2017 QC Senior Curling Champions

    2017 QC Senior Curling Champions

    2017 QC Senior Curling Champions

Season: July 2015 - June 2016

link to photo album
November 26, 2015
President Trophy championship game

link to photo album
December 11, 2015
Ham-and-Turkey “A” and “B” final games

link to photo album
December 11, 2015
Winnie’s Office Party

link to photo album
February 11, 2016
Pat Lid championship final game

link to photo album
February 26, 2016
Blaise Trophy championship and 3 vs 4 playoff games

link to photo album
April 7, 2016
Vice-President Trophy championship final game

link to photo album
April 15, 2016
The Closing Bonspiel “B” semi-final game between Team Leagult and Team Langdon

link to photo album
April 16, 2016
The HLCC Ladder championship game

link to photo album
April 16, 2016
The HLCC closing banquet and awards ceremonies.




Season: July 2014 - June 2015

link to photo album
October 9, 2014
HLCC 50th anniversary season opening event





link to photo album
December 12, 2014
The Ham-and-Turkey Bonspiel “A” and “B” finals

link to photo album
December 12, 2014
Winnie’s Office Party

link to photo album
December 20, 2014
The lunch break during the President Trophy playoffs

link to photo album
April 10, 2015
The decisive game for the Gray Trophy  between Team Dearling and Team MacArthur

link to photo album
April 13, 2015
The Vice-President Trophy championship game between Team L. Putnam and Team  Langdon

link to photo album
April 18, 2015
The Closing Bonspiel “A” final game between Team Oland and Team Bérubé

link to photo album
April 18, 2015
The Closing Bonspiel “B” final game between Team L. Putnam and Team Hart

link to photo album
April 18, 2015
The Ladder Championship final game between Team Maclean and Team J. Putnam

link to photo album
April 18, 2015
The Ladder Consolation final game between Team L. Putnam and Team Cromar

link to photo album
April 18, 2015
The Curling Club awards ceremonies and end-of-season banquet

link to photo album
April 17, 2015
Hardy Rocks curling end-of-season awards banquet


Season: July 2013 - June 2014



link to photo album
December 6, 2013
Winnie’s office party

link to photo album
December 6, 2013
Ham-and-Turkey “A” and “B” finals

link to photo album
December 6, 2013
Ham-and-Turkey “C” final

link to photo album
February 6, 2014
Hudson Legion members go to the Scotties

link to photo album
March 7, 2014
Blaise Trophy playoff games


link to photo album
April 6, 2014
Vice-President Trophy championship game

link to photo album
April 12, 2014
Photos from the curling club season ending banquet and awards ceremonies

link to photo album
April 12, 2014
2013-2014 club championship game

link to photo album
April 12, 2014
2013-2014 season club  championship consolation game


Season: July 2012 - June 2013


link to photo album
August 22, 2012
Photos of volunteers laying new pipes in the curling shed.

link to photo album
October 11, 2012
Photos from the curling club AGM and Open House event.


link to photo album
December 7, 2012
Photos taken during the annual Winnie’s Office Party event.

link to photo album
December 14, 2012
Photos taken during the Seguin Trophy playoffs.

link to photo album
December 15, 2012
Photos taken during the President Trophy playoffs.


link to photo album
February 8, 2013
Photos of action on the ice during the 24-hr bonspiel event.

link to photo album
February 9, 2013
Photos of action on the ice during the final match of the 24-hr bonspiel event.

link to photo album
February 8-9, 2013
Photos taken behind the glass during the 24-hr bonspiel event.

link to photo album
February 9, 2013
Photos taken during the closing ceremonies of the 24-hr bonspiel event.

Feb. 8-9, 2013 : videos captured during the 24-hr bonspiel event

link to curling video
February 8, 2013
Video of Team B. Robinson in action

link to curling video
February 8, 2013
Video of Jay de la Durantaye delivering a rock

link to curling video
February 9, 2013
Video of Team J. Marquis in action

link to curling video
February 9, 2013
Video of Team J. Putnam in action

link to curling video
February 9, 2013
Video of teams herding curling rocks

link to photo album
February 27, 2013
Quebec Women’s Masters curling championship opening ceremonies.


link to photo album
March 9, 2013
Spaghetti dinner fund raiser for curlers going to PEI.

link to photo album
April 13, 2013
Photos of action on the ice during the Closing Bonspiel finals.

link to photo album
April 13, 2013
Photos of award winners during the curling club season ending banquet.

link to photo album
April 13, 2013
Photos of the fun during the curling club season ending banquet.

link to 8-ender video
January 27, 2013
Video of Rob Maclean rink’s 8-ender.


Jan. - Aug. 2012 :slideshow videos of curling shed renovation work

Link to slideshow of work bee at Ste-Anne curling club
January 2012
Work bee at the Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue curling club

Link to slideshow of insulation and cladding installation
April 2012
Applying insulation and cladding on interior walls

Link to pipe laying slideshow
August 2012
Laying new refrigeration pipes


Season: July 2011 - June 2012

link to photo album
November 26, 2011
Grand Match activities at the Hudson Legion

link to photo album
December 9, 2011
The Ham and Turkey Bonspiel finals and prizes together with the annual Winnie’s Office Party

link to photo album
January 7, 2012
President Trophy playoffs

link to photos taken during the 2012 Hudson St-Patrick's Day Parade
January 16 2012
Curling club members’ work bee at Ste-Anne’s curling club.


link to photo album
April 14, 2012
Ladder championship playoffs final draws

link to photo album
April 14, 2012
Curling end-of-season banquet awards presentations

link to photo album
April 14, 2012
Curling end-of-season banquet party

link to photo album
May 2, 2012
Volunteers at work renovating the curling shed.

link to photo album
May 8, 2012
More photos of volunteers renovating the curling shed.




Season: July 2010 - June 2011

link to photo album
December 16, 2010
Hardy Rocks Ham and Turkey event.

link to photo album
December 17, 2010
Ham and Turkey bonspiel and Winnie’s Office Party

link to photo album
January 8, 2011
President Trophy playoffs..

link to photo album
January 13, 2011
Pat Lid playoffs.

link to photo album
April 2, 2011
Vice-President Trophy playoffs.

link to photo album
April 30, 2011
Closing banquet - volunteer crew at work

link to photo album
April 30, 2011
End of season banquet.

link to photo album
Oct. 2010-Apr. 2011
Special and interesting curling action moments.