The Hudson Legion Curling Club offers activities for all types of curlers, starting from the novice person who is intrigued by the sport of curling and would like to try it out, all the way to the experienced curlers who look for top level competition.
Note: regardless of category, all members can participate in bonspiels at our club or at external bonspiels.
This year we are doing the sign up online. We ask that you fill in ALL the columns with a Y, N or S for
We also ask that you either print, the attached registration and waiver forms or download them and fill them out and send them back by email to:
Joan Bazar at:
or bring them in with your payment on the first day you curl.
Please watch this video on how to conduct yourself on the ice during curling play.
Our curling club offers five types of membership categories for the 2023-2024 season: